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Kitchen Cabinets

ClicBox is a new and innovative concept in kitchen cabinets. Using the patented UNICLIC for furniture technology, means the different components just clic together. Its easy, faster, requires no tools or fixings, has less components and is stronger than traditional carcases. It is available in 4 colours. Check our video below, which demonstrates that it is up to 5 times faster than traditional flat pack furniture to assemble.

There are 5 Styles available

Find your perfect cabinet
Prices from £6.99
ClicBoxWhite Cabinets
Prices from £6.99
ClicBoxGrey Cabinets
Prices from £6.99
ClicBoxAnthracite Cabinets
Prices from £6.99
ClicBoxUrban Oak Cabinets
Prices from £6.99
ClicBoxDust Grey Cabinets